A well-thought-out strategy opens new horizons

Together we will create a marketing strategy that will differentiate the company, leverage its strengths and lead to long-term sustainable business.

Companies with a well-thought-out marketing strategy are more successful

A strategy is a comprehensive set of conscious decisions that differentiates a company from its competitors and offers customers a higher perceived added value. Creating a strategy will bond your team, allow them to look at the company / brand / industry from a different perspective and gain new knowledge and skills.

Companies with a well-thought-out marketing strategy

They have a vision and clearly defined goals and strategies:

  • they know where they are going and thus make decisions easily
  • they evaluate activities and improve those that do not work;

They differ from the competition:

  • they build on their core competencies and values
  • they are legible and attractive to customers and employees

They focus on a selected group of customers:

  • for which they have an attractive offer
  • they communicate with them effectively (they choose relevant communication channels)

They earn and make a profit:

  • they have a set pricing strategy that is profitable for them and attractive to customers

They plan their capacities (time, money):

  • they follow a marketing plan

Companies without a marketing strategy

They have no vision or strategy - they keep trying but without effect:

  • they decide randomly according to the momentary feeling
  • they don’t evaluate, they don’t improve, they don’t move anywhere

They offer what the competition does:

  • they copy what they see in others, they don’t use their strengths
  • they cannot attract quality employees

They try to serve all customers:

  • they are so nothing for everyone – they try to be a small hypermarket, which doesn’t work
  • they use haphazard communication channels

They might earn, but they don't make a profit:

  • prices are set ad hoc, large quantities of products are sold at a discount

They do not use capacities efficiently:

  • they make chaotic ad hoc moves

The benefits of creating a marketing strategy for the team

We will create a marketing strategy together. I believe that to create an inspiring, meaningful and effective marketing strategy, the team implementing the strategy, must be involved in strategy creation.

With this approach, we ensure:
  • strengthening trust between team members: by sharing experiences, knowledge, but also frustrations in a safe environment, it strengthens the mutual bond
  • aligning on key business building blocks:
    by defining the mission, values
  • personal development of team members
    thanks to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills
  • easy implementation of marketing strategy:
    involving the team in the strategy creation process will ensure its easy implementation

The process of creating a marketing strategy

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Task definition and goal setting

  • Clarification of expectations and specifications, description of the ideal output from the contractor.

Marketing audit

  • Completion of a marketing audit, which answers basic business and marketing questions and serves as a basic input for a marketing strategy
  • Output: Definition of key problems / opportunities + proposal of next steps


Marketinová strategy

  1. The basic building blocks of a business / company / team / department
    • Definition of mission and description of values;
    • Setting vision, long-term and short-term goals
  2. Internal and external analysis of the company / department
    • Analysis of competitive factors on the market: company position and key competition
  3. Market selection
    • Customers and their needs
      • Your customers and non-customers: who they are and who you want them to be
      • Understanding the problems and wants of your customers, uncovering the “pain points” that limit the size of the industry
  4. Positioning
    • Definition of a compelling offer
    • Identifying additional opportunities to dramatically increase customer perceived value

Marketing plan

Setting activities across individual marketing Ps that will lead to the fulfillment of the strategy

  • Product including packaging
  • Pricing strategy
  • Communication strategy
  • Distribution strategy

Everything can take place physically or online.

In the case of a larger number of participants (more than 5), I recommend physical consultations.

Case studies


Setting the basic pillars of the digital strategy:

  • to be in line with the requirements of the head office while addressing all the needs of the local team.


Martin Prílesan
Business Unit Manager


Setting the strategic direction of the agency after 15 years of existence:

  • The solution included not only the strategy, but also the “human dimension” – the roles of individual team members, responsibilities and competencies.


Marek Bor


Preparation and development of strategy and long-term cooperation on its implementation:

  • Analysis of the current state – through a marketing audit document
  • Strategy creation: 3 joint workshops
  • Preparation of a tactical plan with a precise breakdown of work: what, who, when, how and for how much
  • Long-term cooperation on strategy implementation, continuous evaluation of tactics and their revision


Jan Kašpárek


Performing a comprehensive marketing audit at Globus:

  • Cooperation of all departments of the marketing team + other key areas (approx. 15 members of the core team)
  • Audit preparation – Kick-off workshop with heads of individual marketing teams, IT, communications
  • Work one-on-one with individual members to identify in-depth opportunities and challenges for each department
  • Joint workshop summarizing and prioritizing all opportunities and issues
  • Final presentation of recommended next steps to CEO and owners


Preparation of HR strategy and specific plan for the new business year:

  • Setting goals and defining key issues
  • Analysis of the current state
  • Searching for possible solutions: inspiration from the outside world
  • A plan of concrete steps


Sylva Havířová


Hourly rate = CZK 4,000: price specification according to specific assignment and number of agreed consultations

Basic price for the preparation of a marketing strategy = from 55,000 CZK (the final price depends on the complexity of the task, the size of the team, the number of workshops with the client, and its cooperation; the basic option includes 3 2-hour workshops)

Non-binding request

New Field